Today was a LONG DAY! I know I already posted a blog earlier today when I was dead tired and was not in the best mood in the world. But I finally allowed myself to lay down and take a nap at 4 pm! I was awakened by my husband who was coming home from work. I still was not in the best mood though. So I layed in the dark bedroom for about 15 more minutes to try and let myself wake up some more before we spent the evening together as a family, the two of us and the dog. But the evening went well and we watched, "King Of Queens" together for the three episodes they normally show every weekday. And then we watched the classic "Rudolf The Red Nosed Riendeer" The claymation one. We've been watching one Christmas Classic before we go to bed everynight to help to get us in the mood for Christmas. Now I know that we are a little early because it is not even ThanksGiving yet. But I just want this Christmas to be a special one since it is our last one as just a couple.
I walked to the WIC Office today for my appointment but when I got there I noticed that I did not have my "Mutter Pass" with me. And that was something that they needed in order to give me my next three months. So we had to reschedule the appointment for next Tuesday at noon. I did go in and talk with the dieticain though and she was pleased with how I have been eating. I did tell her about how when we went to visit family in the United States that I ate ALOT of fast food but that has been the only time I have messed up my diet. It was just hard being in the US with all of those food places there in front of you, tempting you! That is why I am glad that we are in Germany for the pregnancy and not in the United States! Here I can walk places and not be tempted with these fast food places all of the time! The only thing they really have in our town is a McDonald's and a Burger King, and niether of those sound the least bit appealing to me! Yack!
I have had trouble with waking up and making it to church on Sundays! It was easier to do when we were home visiting family because of the time difference. But even before we left for the States I had missed a couple of Sundays at church here. Sleep and waking up is just starting to give me problems. I just need to try and start getting all of the sleep that I can! I am just trying to connect with my body... if that makes any since. I mean I don't even feel like I am pregnant! And I think that if I just stop and listen to my body then I would be able to know what is going on with it. Sounds crazy, I know! But thats the only way I can explain it.
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