Friday, November 27, 2009

27 Weeks

           I just wrote a nice long blog on here, and it decided not to save it! So here I am typing it AGAIN! I thought the one before was perfect and said everything that I wanted to say! So hopefully this one covers everything. ;P
           Today was one of the biggest shopping days for America, Black Friday. Sadly to say, the only place we have American here in Germany that does Black Friday sales is the BX on base. And our BX is rather small. But I woke up this morning at 9:30 and got ready and walked to the sale. It didn't really surprise me that there was nothing really on sale. I baught one thing that was though, because we were in desperate need of it! A 10 piece Pot and Pan Set! Drew was going to get me one for Christmas anyways, I just figured I would get one while I was there and they had such a good deal since he wasn't with me. It was only $20! I ended up walking to the BX twice today though, so I got my exercise in for the day!
           I have been thinking about how I felt when Drew told me he was getting his liscense taken away about 3 or 4 months ago. I was so upset because I was pregnant and didn't know how I was going to get through 6 months with him not having a liscense. But now that I look at it, I see it more as a blessing in disguise. I mean, if we want to go anywhere then we have to walk there. To get our groceries, to go to church, to the hospital for OBGYN appointments, anywhere... We have to walk. And I am so thankful for it! Because otherwise I would have been such a lazy bum during the pregnancy! I lost 11 pounds during the first couple of months and recently went to my WIC appointment and they told me I have only gained .23 pounds from when I started my pregnancy! And considering that the baby weighs 1&2/3 pounds thats pretty cool. And I know that this would not be the case if Drew had his liscense throughout my pregnancy. We are excited for when he gets it back though, so we can travel and see places! But he won't be getting it til sometime in February, and I am due on the 26th of that month! So we will see.
          Today my friend Robyn found some baby furniture online that a guy was selling nearby. So she took me to get and get it! Two pieces for only $20! So I feel that has been a HUGE blessing for us! I was able to purchase a beautiful bassinet from a lady this past week! So all that I really need is a crib and a few other bigger items.

27 Weeks

           Today has been a pretty cool day if you ask me! I woke up at 9:30 to go to the Black Friday Sale at the BX and was able to buy a 10 piece pot and pan set for $20! We were in desperate need of it!!! But thats about all that I got from the sale! There seriously was like NOTHING on sale! I wanted to try and get Drew an MP3 player or something because I figured they would be on sale, but they weren't. But at least I got my exercise in for the day. I walked to the BX twice today! 
          I have been thinking about how Drew's liscense got taken away during the pregnancy and how I thought it was going to be so miserable. But I have come to realize that it is more like a blessing in disguise. I mean, we have to walk to the grocery store to get our groceries and carry them home. We have to walk to church. If we want to go anywhere, then we have to walk. We walk to the hospital for the appointments every month also. Otherwise I would probably be a lazy bum! But I seriously have not gained any more weight than what I started out with in the pregnancy! I lost like 11 pounds during the first couple of months. But at my WIC appointment when they weighed me they said that I am on like .23 more pounds than what I started with! Thats pretty good if you ask me, considering that they told me at the last appointment the baby was 1 2/3 pounds! So I look at it as more of a blessing than anything else. And he is not going to get his liscense back til sometime in February, and I am due on the 26th of that month.
           So today after walking up all of the stairs to get into our apartment on the fourth floor I was kind of tired! So I layed on the couch for a little bit to take a break. Well, I could feel the baby moving inside of me and I had never looked at my tummy to see if my stomach moved any, so I pulled my shirt up and the maternity pants down a little and watched. I could see little thump movements and when I saw a bigger movement I called Drew in to see if he could see it. And when he came in and knelt down next to me, Little Andrew started doing bigger thumps! It was crazy! But I was entertained by laying there watching my belly dance around so I watched it for about 15 minutes or so before I got up.
            My friend Robyn called and said that she found a dresser and changing table on the YardSale Site online for where we lived. So I called the guy that was selling it and he only wanted $20 for the two! So she offered to take me to go and pick it up. I just think today things just really worked out for us! I am going to have to paint the dresser and changing table, but that should be a fun thing to do! :)
           Well, I better get going. I need to try and get some rest. Drew and I are leaving at 6 am tomorrow morning with the ITT group to go to a Christmas Market in a bigger town here in Germany. We will be away from home for 18 hrs! I am just going to leave Spanky here alone, he should be just fine.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

           This evening I am going to meet up with several women from our church and we are all going to see New Moon, the new Twilight movie. The theatre we are going to see it in is in Luxemburg so our car group is going to go to McDonalds before hand to get something to eat. I am going to try and eat at home before I leave so I won't have to eat out. I am going to bring some apple slices with me to snack on during the two movies and some water. I will go by the store sometime today and go and see if there is anything else I would like to take with me. I am just seriously trying to stay away from fast food and soda. I may even bring a little bottle of juice to have something a little sweeter to drink.
           I went to my Dr's appointment on Monday and I did the diabetes testing. The results for that came back negative! I was so happy! But they told me that even if you eat healthy it can still come back neg. due to stress that you may be going thru. So its not saying that you've been unhealthy, it could be because you've been going thru alot.
          I wasn't aloud to eat that morning before the testing. So after the testing was done Drew went and got me a veggie and cheese sandwhich from across the street while I waited for my ultra sound appointment. Although I ate, the baby was not that active! So during the ultra sound we did not have the best picture. My Dr. did give me two prints to take home though! I had explained to him that the last time the lady did not give me any pictures at all! So he gave me two this time! Although niether of the pictures are that clear, you can sort of make out the eyes nose and mouth in one picture. And the baby is doing like a bashful type grin in the picture, its cute!
          I have been feeling down in the dumps lately. So I took charge this week of the lesson for our Family Home Evening. I gave both Drew and I several slips of paper that I had cut and a cup and pen. We had to write 1 reason on each slip of why we love the other person. I always wonder how he feels about me on the inside. I know he loves me and all, but what does he really think about me... So with this I was able to see that. And we are going to decorate jars eventually and put the papers in the jars. So I can look back at them when I am feeling down.

Monday, November 16, 2009

3RD OBGYN Appointment

           Today was my third appointment with the OBGYN. I wasn't able to eat anything this morning because I was going to do the diabetes testing thing at the hospital. I had to drink this grape drink and wait an hour and then get my finger pricked again. Well the good news is that the test came back negative! So I don't have to worry about that.
           I then went up to the third floor for my appointment where they do the ultra sound and what not. Well I had to wait in the hall until the Dr was ready to see me so while we were waiting Drew went and got me a sandwhich to eat before the appointment. Well, I finally got called in and got ready for the ultra sound. The ultra sound picture did not come thru very clearly but he was able to comfirm that we are having a boy, so that was good. (Especially since we already baught all of the boy clothes and what not!) And I told him how the lady that did the ultra sound the previous month did not give me any pictures or anything! So he made sure to give me two pictures this time around! The pictures are not very clear, but in one you can make out the baby's face, the eyes, nose, and lips. In the other picture you can't really tell what you are looking at. But he said the baby's weight is 1 pound 12 ounces. And he said everything is fine and the baby is healthy, and thats all that matters!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Time For Me

           Today was a LONG DAY! I know I already posted a blog earlier today when I was dead tired and was not in the best mood in the world. But I finally allowed myself to lay down and take a nap at 4 pm! I was awakened by my husband who was coming home from work. I still was not in the best mood though. So I layed in the dark bedroom for about 15 more minutes to try and let myself wake up some more before we spent the evening together as a family, the two of us and the dog. But the evening went well and we watched, "King Of Queens" together for the three episodes they normally show every weekday. And then we watched the classic "Rudolf The Red Nosed Riendeer" The claymation one. We've been watching one Christmas Classic before we go to bed everynight to help to get us in the mood for Christmas. Now I know that we are a little early because it is not even ThanksGiving yet. But I just want this Christmas to be a special one since it is our last one as just a couple.
           I walked to the WIC Office today for my appointment but when I got there I noticed that I did not have my "Mutter Pass" with me. And that was something that they needed in order to give me my next three months. So we had to reschedule the appointment for next Tuesday at noon. I did go in and talk with the dieticain though and she was pleased with how I have been eating. I did tell her about how when we went to visit family in the United States that I ate ALOT of fast food but that has been the only time I have messed up my diet. It was just hard being in the US with all of those food places there in front of you, tempting you! That is why I am glad that we are in Germany for the pregnancy and not in the United States! Here I can walk places and not be tempted with these fast food places all of the time! The only thing they really have in our town is a McDonald's and a Burger King, and niether of those sound the least bit appealing to me! Yack!
            I have had trouble with waking up and making it to church on Sundays! It was easier to do when we were home visiting family because of the time difference. But even before we left for the States I had missed a couple of Sundays at church here. Sleep and waking up is just starting to give me problems. I just need to try and start getting all of the sleep that I can! I am just trying to connect with my body... if that makes any since. I mean I don't even feel like I am pregnant! And I think that if I just stop and listen to my body then I would be able to know what is going on with it. Sounds crazy, I know! But thats the only way I can explain it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

25 Weeks Today

           It sure is getting harder for me to get a good night's sleep! Last night I think I slept for a total of 4 hrs. My husband kept flipping the lights on and off as he was trying to get everything ready for work and I was unable to sleep. So I just got up and tried to lay back down once he left, but was still unable to do so. Its almost 10 in the morning now and I have been up for about 4 hours already. I am tired and probably could fall asleep if I would just let myself try, but I have an appointment at 1 and I do not want to miss it. If there are any appointments for the next day or anything that I am looking forward to then I can kiss a good night's rest good bye. My mind likes to wonder when I lay down. I think about anything and everything! I worry because of stuff I haven't gotten yet for the baby and I worry about if we will be good parents.
            I have so much stuff that I need to get done around the house! I am like overwhelmed with stuff that needs to be done. I am already taking out Christmas decorations, not setting them up but having them in sight so I could have something to keep me focused on getting the cleaning done! Its just frustrating because I have larger items that need to be thrown away but here in Germany you have to wait til bulk trash day to throw away larger items. And come to find out, we just missed one that they had just a few days ago! I have so many clothes that need to be gone through and see what we don't need anymore! And I have lots of clothes that need to be folded. We found out who our building manager was and I talked to him about our storage being locked and he said that he will get that fixed for us! So we will FINALLY be able to put stuff away that we may only need a few times a year. I think it will help with giving us room around here!
             I should probably get off of here. But I will try and write another time.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Christmas Wish List

           I meant to write something last night, just so I don't get out of habbit. This is so much easier than keeping a journal! I know that I still should though. My hand just cramps up so bad while writing! And it seems that it gets worse as I get older.
           So, what is new? Well last night I went to a activities commitee meeting for Relief Society and we were planning the Christmas Party that we will be having in just 3 weeks. Its going to be ALOT of fun! They are even going to have the auction like they did last year. We were supposed to sign up for stuff and help with the decorating and what not. I tried to stay quiet and not sign up for too many things, just because thats 3 weeks away and I have no idea on how I will be feeling then! And I get stressed easily if too much is handed to me it seems. Anyways, I think it will be really fun when it gets here!
            Drew keeps asking me what I want for Christmas. And I just don't know! :D Right now I am just trying to focus on getting all of the baby's stuff. And when I do tell him something, its more like stuff that we need instead of something that I would enjoy having. Like new pots and pans, thats just something we so totally NEED! I haven't told him, but I think it would be cool to get the cheap blender they have at the BX. But I don't know if I should get that one or just hold off for a couple of years and just get a nice Kitchen Aid Mixer. Last night as I was trying to fall asleep I thought of something that I would LOVE to have! A Glider Rocking Chair with the foot stool! We have a full size bed and since we struggle with having room on there already, I am going to need somewhere to be able to feed Little Drew. And I think one of those would be perfect! It will be near the bed and they are comfortable and it would be nice to have even when Little Drew gets older to rock him to sleep.
           Well there was more that I wanted to write but things are not coming to mind right now. So I will go and maybe write more later this evening.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Leg Pains

            Last night was rough! I woke up in the middle of the night cold because I guess I kicked the blanket off or something. I sat up and was going to try and pull the blanket up back over me but my body would not allow it! My right leg was in such pain! My husband must of heard me either cry or yell because of the pain, because he woke up and I told him what I needed and he covered me up. My leg hurt so bad that I couldn't even get up that night to pee, I just had to hold it til morning! Don't ask me how I even managed that one! But my leg was feeling ok when morning came.
           I am going to try and go to bed somewhat early tonight. Hopefully I can get back on schedule with the German time soon! I will try and write more another time.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

24 Week Pregnancy Update

         Holy Cow! I have not done this in a while! Well let me just start off by saying as of yesterday I am 24 weeks pregnant! I know this is weird, or so I have been told, I still do not feel pregnant. Lets see, about October 18 when I was in the USA, I could feel the baby kick hard enough to where my husband could feel it with his hand on the outside of my stomach!
        We were in the USA from about October 12- November 2. And oh my goodness! It was so nice! I was kind of dis-appointed with Wal-Mart though! They stopped selling maternity clothes and they stopped selling fabric! And the prices have gone up so bad! Luckily I was able to find maternity clothes at K-Mart and they were all on clearance! Good thing I got them while they still had them because when it came time for us to leave I went back by there and they also no longer had maternity clothes! I did get one pair of maternity jeans at the store MotherHood in the mall. I had heard that they had really good deals on clothes in there, but I will never recommend them to anyone! For one pair of pants it was $30! When at K-Mart I was able to get them for $6 or $7 each! I could not return the pants to MotherHood though, because they only give store credit or exchanges for their items. Yeah sure, they had good deals in the maternity clothes for smaller women but once you get to like size 12 or higher the prices totally went up!
         The trip was good and we were able to see everyone that we planned on seeing. Well everyone but Kevin Edderly. I really wanted to go and see him! But time just would not allow. We did not get to say good bye to "everyone" that we wanted to, just another thing that time would not allow. And we have been reminded of the fact after we got home with people being mad at us. Well if thats how it is going to be then why should I go through so much to go and visit if people are just going to be mad at us in the end?
         My last appointment was on September 28th I think. And I was 18 weeks then. They were able to find out the sex of the baby! We are having a baby boy! He will be named after Drew, Andrew Bird Allen 3rd. He is due on February 26th. We are not completely certain of the due date and all, but thats just what the doctor said. And my doctor was in a C-Section so a lady doctor took his place and she said the sex of the baby isn't for complete sure so wait on buying stuff til the next appointment. Well with us being in the USA I had to buy as much baby stuff as I could so I just baught boy stuff anyways. I lucked up at some yardsales and we were able to get alot of stuff! My next doctor's appointment is on November 16th, they are going to do the diabetes testing on me. Hopefully that comes up negative!
         Now that we're home, I have been trying to find a crib to buy. I found one on SpangYS for only $35 but it makes it difficult for us to get since niether of us can drive right now. I found something on that I really want for the baby! It is a play pen. But it has a bassinet on it for when the baby is younger and it also has a changing table on it! But it is $115. I try to look at it this way, it is a 3 in 1 deal! I found a nice changing table on SpangYS for $50 alone and a play pen by itself is like 80 bucks online! And it is like a jungle type theme which would kind of go with the Noah's Ark theme and it can be for either boy or girl so I could also use it for the next baby. Its just kind of stressful being so far from family and friends that we grew up with, because I mean if we had a baby shower at either of our homes I know it would help out a ton! I don't know if I will have one here and I don't know how many people would attend with it being so close to Christmas.
         Well I don't know if we will be able to make it to church tomorrow, or at least me. We have to walk to church, well I want us to walk to church so I can get exercise, and my left leg (from the knee down) is pretty swollen. My toes are pretty much touching! But my right foot/leg looks perfectly fine. So I think I am going to stay off of it for a while. I haven't been drinking any soda since we got back and I haven't had any fast food or salty foods so I don't know why it is the way it is...
         I need to get off of here! I will try and write alot sooner the next time though!
         Oh, I forgot to say, I am so excited for the Christmas Season!!! I know it is a bit early but I already set our Nativity set out before we left for the States so I wouldn't have to worry about it once we got back. But I LOVE Christmas time!

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