Sunday, July 14, 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013

     Lillian has been asleep for 2 hrs now and it is already 9:30 at night!! Maybe if I get her up now she will sleep later... and through the night. (We'll see)
     Since today is Saturday we thought we'd go out as a family and do something together. We thought since Little Cesars has these weird hours of only being open from 11-4 and we can never make it in time that we'd go there for lunch. (We haven't had them in a LONG time!) Well we were driving the long stretch of road that has nothing on it for a mile or two and we were half way done with it and Drew gets a call on his work cell phone. (He got it for the weekend.) So we had to cancel and drop him off at his work and the three of us go and find something to do. Ended up that I took Andrew to McDonald's to play since it has been a while since he has been there. (And because they have the Minion toys in the Happy Meals from Despicable Me 2) The toys ended up being so cute! I got a Happy Meal and he got one too and of course we got the same toys so I went and traded mine in for a different one.

So Andrew played on the playground at McDonalds for about 1 1/2 hrs until Drew called and said he was about to head back to the base in the work truck and if we were ready to pick him up. So we left and met him there at his work. On the way home from his shop we stopped by the commissary to get a pizza to have as we watched a movie or two together this evening. So we had the pizza and him and Andrew were going to run to the store to rent a movie and they pulled out of the driveway and he got a call again on the work phone, so he pulled back into the garage. Andrew was crying bc he was excited to spend one on one time with his Daddy and they didn't get far from home.
     I just got done doing a workout video on YouTube, something I would like to make like a daily habit. (Along with eating better, which I totally failed at today... But I didn't have an ice cream at McDonald's! So I did make A good choice..)

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