Drew worked night shift Sunday night and Monday night. Today is Tuesday & he is just trying to stay up all day so he can sleep tonight for regular day shift tomorrow.
Monday I was going to take Andrew & Lillian out to run a few errands and to take Andrew to play so Drew could sleep in peace,but Drew ended up coming with us. It turned out nice having him go with us though.
We went to Airman's Attic and I was able to find some clothes for Lillian for her to grow in to and some summer shorts for Andrew. Then we stopped by the food court and had Taco Bell before heading to the playground. We then went to Lil' Riders (it used to be called Darby Land, the indoor base playground) and Andrew played there for about an hour or two. Him & the other kids had fun running & playing tag. And for the last errand we all went to the library to check out more children's books. Drew has been reading to Andrew before bed every night for 30 min each night for the summer reading program. He got to turn in a reading chart that he had completed, already reading 12 hrs! He got a prize for completing it too. It was a round container and the lid opens half way, it is to put snacks in like dry cereals. He also got another chart to start on. We also checked out like 20 New books. :) (there was a question for every 3 hrs that you read & it asked what your favorite book was that you read over that time period and Andrew said his favorite was Nephi. So cute!)
Sunday night Lillian just would not fall asleep til like 4 am! I think that she knew that he Daddy was not home.
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