It has been too long since I have posted on here last. And alot has happened recently. Stuff that I feel should be remembered before forgotten.
We have been in the States for about a month now and Drew has been in North Dakota for 3 weeks. Andrew and I are in Georgia with my family. Things have not been easy for us, pretty much since the day we landed... My heart was broke that day and this past week my heart has broke even more. But before I get to that let me explain about the housing situation. Drew got to ND and got on the housing list as soon as he could and we started off at number 106. One week later we got to number 84 then this past week Drew told me we are now number 73. So all in all it is going well. And we dropped 11 spots over Christmas week.
Christmas was good. The weather this year has been very mild so it hasn't really felt like it was Christmas in that sort of way, if you know what I mean. Like today is December 31st and we went for a walk and I had a short sleeve shirt on. But for Christmas Santa brought Andrew a Toy Story Tent, an Auqa Doodle Mat, a Zippy Car thing (double sided wood cars). Pretty much small stuff, but something for him to play with while we are here.
December 27, 2011 was one of the saddest days. I learned that night that Spanky got hit by a car and was dead. My parents' next door nieghbor, Gill, found him dead on the side of the road. Gill came and told my Dad, I was back in Caroline's room so didn't really know what was going on. Well Daddy and Gill went outside and burried him and I found out later that night. I do not show emotion with this in front of people, it bothers me the most at night when it is time for bed. And calling Drew and telling him what happened was one of the hardest things that I have had to do. Drew is hurt so bad and I worry about him, with being there alone in ND. We tried giving Spanky the best that we could and we were so grateful to have him as part of our family. He will truly be missed but always remember by us.
for some reason it is posting this as January 1st... Probably still on the German Time. But it is 9:43 PM December 31, 2011