Just a recap of the past two months...
We left Germany to come to the good ole US of A! To our next station area, Minot, ND. Now with the aweful flooding that they had last year they were very limited on housing. On base housing, or so I have heard, is on higher grounds than off base housing. (Which is what got the worse of the flooding) So they have been building houses like crazy on base! Andrew and I stayed here in Georgia with my family since there was going to be quite a wait for the housing while my husband stayed in a "dorm" room.
We were originally thinking that we'd be seperated til at least May so we had already planned for that. We originally started out as #106 on the housing (beginning of Dec.) waiting list but then made it to #84 like right before Christmas and then just the week after Chistmas we like made it to #66! We were shocked it made such a big jump over Christmas break! And then sometime in the first week of January, I think it was the 7th, Drew called and told me that the day before he checked on the housing list and we only are #53 now, so not as big of a drop as I was exapecting... but hey, it is a drop! And then I was in a doctor's office on the 10th and Drew called me and he was like really happy and said he had something to tell me... We got a house!! I was a little shocked.. A house already?! But it was true. And yesterday, January 25th, he got to get the key to the house and check it out. He took a few pictures and sent them to me. He said it was really nice though and he likes it alot! So February 1st at 8 PM I will pick him up at the Augusta AirPort!! Drew and I will get to spend the evening alone, because my parents said they would watch Andrew overnight for us!! I'm SO EXCITED!!
Andrew has grown so much since the last time his Daddy has seen him! His hair has even grown alot too. He says more, doesn't talk in sentences but he uses some words. Right now he really likes the word "play" And he LOVES to play, but what toddler doesn't! (right?!) Andrew has always had a fascination with letters and has always loved watching his Leap Frog DVD called "Letter Factory" For Christmas I got him a Pre-K workbook that just had the Alphabet in it. (Just something for him to look thru during church) Well he REALLY liked it! And he kept studying the letters and within a week of having it he was identifying each letter and saying thier names all by himself! I am so proud of him!! And his favorite show on TV right now is... "Wheel Of Fortune" He says the letters as they show up on the puzzle and loves it! He even claps along with the audience! Too Cute!
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