Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 29, 2013

Today Lillian nursed like all day long! So I was always holding her. Around 4 pm I made her a 4 oz bottle with Gripe Water in it to help with gas and handed her over to Drew so I could get a little break.
      She didn't really nap much today. She fell asleep while I was nursing her so I laid her in her bassinet and she would cry. I tried again and she cried and would quiet when I held her.
      I asked Drew to watch her while I took a shower and she cried the whole time. So he made her a 2 oz bottle for her to drink til I was done. I got out and fed her and she fell right to sleep and every time I laid her down she'd cry. I even tried letting her cry a few minutes but she still did not calm until I held her. Finally I remembered the swaddler gown she got from the hospital and swaddled her with it, nursed her and laid her in her bassinet without a problem.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Our computer is down so I have not been able to post lately. So I am posting from my phone right now.
   Lillian had jaundice so they kept here under the blue lights while in the hospital. She was doing better so they released us together. We had to keep going to the hospital to keep getting her checked for like 4 days. (until her levels were down enough to where we'd be ok to just stay home)
   Andrew just loves his little sister to pieces! We were at Pizza Hut one night and he noticed she was not in her carseat. He thought someone took her. He was looking everywhere where and with a worried voice said, "Mama, where's Lilly?" I lefted a blanket that was across my chest & showed him that she was being fed. He was relieved to know she was not missing after all.
It is late and I should try and get some sleep... Next time I will try & write about her new born pictures.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Little Lillian Faith

   This past week on Monday June 3, 2013 I had my OB appointment. And he checked to see how dialated I was. He said 3 cm & 80% effaced. I told him I had to hold off until June 12 because that's when my sister, Caroline, gets here to keep an eye on Andrew so I could go in to have the baby. Well by the end of the visit he said he was pretty sure he'd see me before then... haha. Well it was late and it was dinner time so we did the easy thing and went to McDonald's so Andrew could play after eating. We got home a little before 6 and I went straight up to the room and laid in bed with the tv on while Drew got ready for night shift. I felt like my muscles near my bladder area contract a little, nothing that made me think I was having contractions because it was just a mild and somewhat quick feeling. Well that happened like 6 or 7 times. Before Drew left at midnight I told him to keep his phone on him and to answer if I call!
    Andrew could not fall asleep that night til late because he just knew something was going on. When they started getting stronger I got on FaceBook and just started emailing everyone that lived around here that I knew to see who could watch Andrew if and when I had to go in. Well seeing how it was the middle of the night I had no idea who would have checked their email before early that morning! haha.
   So it is about mid night and I figured it'd be best if I laid in bed and tried to get some rest. (Didn't want it to be like when I had Andrew and had contractions all through the night with no rest) Well I never did fall asleep but I tried my hardest to relax all that I could.
   So it is about 2:30 and the garage door opens! (Drew's night shift was midnight-5 am) Drew comes up the stairs and I am in bed and say, "You better get your butt in bed and get some sleep while you can because this baby is coming sometime today!" So he goes and lays in Andrew's bed (which is a full size bed) (Andrew was asleep on our bed because he wanted to stay with me)
   I think I woke Drew at about 5:30 and told him we had to figure out where Andrew was going and we had to get to the hospital as soon as possible. 5:55 he called a guy from work, who lives just a few houses down from us, and asked if it'd be alright if him and his family would keep an eye on Andrew while we went in. So we grabbed everything and a few snacks and dropped him off. Drew dropped me off at the ER doors while he went to go park the car. (We got to the hospital between 7-7:30)  I just entered the doors and there was a lady sitting on the bench there in the hall and she started up a conversation with me.. hahaha. I am too nice to just walk past so I talked to her but then let her know that I HAD to go in fear of a contraction starting! haha. So I told the ladies at the windows that I HAD to go to labor and delivery and that my contractions had been 3 min apart for quite some time now and they were getting stronger. They pointed me over to the elevator and told me to go to the 3rd floor.
   I got up there and they pointed me to my room. I changed, went to the bathroom and got into the bed and after having a painful contraction I went ahead and appalogized to my husband and to the nurse helping me for anything that I "might" say. hahaha. And I did inform the nurse right away that I WANTED an epidural! So she got me started on an IV that apparently I had to have before getting one. The contractions were getting WORSE and I just need silence to get through them. haha. Well in between Drew and the nurse telling me to breathe I just wanted to scream. So I kept telling them to be quiet. I told the nurse that I had to pee and she said I couldn't go to the bathroom because I was hooked to an IV and to just pee on the bed! I just could not make myself do it, so I didn't. And then I told her I felt like throwing up every time I had a contraction and she told me to just throw up then, it was nothing she had never seen before. (She really was a great nurse!) And when I thought they couldn't get worse, they did... All I could do was hold the side of the bed and cry. The only thing that comforted me was when Drew would show me a picture of Andrew on his phone. He had the biggest smile on his face and it was like he was looking right at me. Drew was getting scared to even touch me because I would snap at him. But I would tell him every now and then to kiss me softly on my forehead.
   About 3 hours after arriving at the hospital the epidural people FINALLY came to the room! I knew in the pit of my stomach though that it was already too late. I had felt the urges to push already but just would not tell anyone or allow myself to. My nurse told them if I did sit up for it that the baby would probably pop out. But they put me on my side and were cleaning my back and put a plastic sheet on my back and were going to give me a shot to help with the pain. And as soon as they were about to stick me with that needle I yelled, "Don't you put that needle in me! The baby is coming out!!" I was stuck on my right side and could not move for the life of me! So the pushed me over and my Dr was hurrying in and getting all ready. Within two pushes our sweet little girl was here! Lillian Faith Allen

**Just for a side note** At 9 am at the hospital our visiting teacher came in and him and Drew gave me a blessing. After I got that blessing is when the contractions got EVEN stronger and everything moved so fast after that. Even my nurse said, "After that guy and your husband gave you that blessing things sure did move along a lot faster!"

**She was born at 10:31 AM on June 4th, 2013. Weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces and was 19 inches long. 13 inches in circumference around her head. She is my beautiful, small, little girl.

I will write more of what went on and the hospital stay over the next few days.

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