I am the seventh of nine children, four boys and five girls. I was raised in The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, and I am still an active member. As for childhood memories, even through now, I could not tell you much. I try to keep journals and make scrapbooks to help me remember things better.
My earliest childhood memories were from the hospital that I stayed in when I was six years old. I had been hit by a car and received traumatic brain damage and was in a coma. The doctors had told my parents that if I lived that I wouldn't be able to do everything that I used to. I had been in the coma for sixteen days before I had come out of it. They transferred me to another hospital where I could begin my occupational and physical therapy. The people in charge of me at this hospital told my parents it could be anywhere from six to eight months before I would be able to return to live at home. I had lost all of my memory and ALOT of my strength, especially in the left side of my body. Physical therapy was painful and hard to do but I stuck with it and gave it my all! Went through alot of tears and alot of getting back up and trying again! I remember being in a wheel chair and not being able to walk. (I remember once I got to go home and spend one night with my family and I sat on the couch while my four brothers would take turns doing tricks in the wheel chair!) Eventually I was able to walk with lots and lots of physical therapy. Once when I was having therapy in the indoor pool I remember a camera crew coming in and rehersing with me and my therapist what to say. We were put on Good Morning America! They got to choose one patient to put on tv and they chose me! The hospital crew that worked with me were amazed at how well I was doing! I ended up only having to stay at the hospital for three and a half months before I was able to return home to live with my family.
I was able to return to school the next year! But I still had to return to the hospital three times a week for therapy. I couldn't even get myself dressed for school in the morning, I was always had to have others help me. I was put into resource classes to help me out a bit. School was tuff! Kids were always making fun of me and leaving me out, so I had always thought that there was SOMETHING wrong with me. I have never felt like a normal kid, always being told by peers and teachers, "No you can't do this! No you can't do that!" So I started telling myself that. And I still do! I don't know how to let myself just try something! And its frustrating!
This year, 2009, I am taking a stand and trying to, "Become A Better Me!" I am working hard at losing weight and I will succeed at this! I am not going to let ANYONE hold me back!
There is another story to tell about my life but this has taken up ALOT of space! So I will tell my next story another time. All of these things that I have written are true and have happened to me! And it has taught me a lesson in life! NEVER GIVE UP! KEEP ON TRYING!
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