In the mornings Lillian sometimes was a few minutes before me and she will lay there and just talk, it is so cute! I cannot believe how big Little Miss Lillian has gotten! She already wears 12-18 month clothing half of the time! I still need to schedule her 4 month appointment. But the last WIC appointment I did, she was 3 1/2 months, she weighed in at 17.5 pounds. Her hair has lightened up a bit too. When she was born it was nearly black but now is a light brown. But she is a very happy baby! I will try and post some more recent pictures.
Monday is Drew's birthday and he will be 31. We are all going out to an Irish Restaurant in Minot. Today we went to town all together and went to the movies and saw "Cloudy With A Chance Of Meat Balls" It was pretty good. Andrew seemed to enjoy it anyways. At times it seemed he was the only one in the theater laughing. And Little Miss Lillian just loved staring up at the screen! And towards the end she did a lot of talking, it was hard to keep her quiet.
I cannot believe that we only have 6-7 weeks left here in Minot! It has already gotten cold here and some areas in ND have already gotten snow! It seems the Autumn weather only stayed with us a few weeks. And ever since it turned cooler it seems I can never stay warm! It seems my feet are always cold and it makes it so hard to fall asleep at night. And yes, the heater is on and we do have warm blankets. haha. But I am not looking forward to the snow... Last year I think I had enough to last me for a while! haha.
Bath Picture Taken October 13, 2013
At Home For Lunch Break
Showing Off Their Pumpkins
On Base Play Ground