It has been so long since I have posted in the blog! Little Drew has grown so much! When we took him to the Doc a coupleof weeks ago he weighed 18.5 pounds and was 27 inches long! He can do so much now! His favorite play time activity would have to be bath time! He LOVES taking baths! He rolls from his back to stomach so fast and he LOVES splashing with his hands when he is on his stomach and then when he is on his back he kicks his legs like crazy splashing! It is so fun to watch! I love him so much!
Yesterday he was SO TALKATIVE!!! It seems he had ALOT to tell his "Dada" He would say "Da-da...Dada" Until he got his Daddy's attention and then just babble on like he just saw the coolest thing! It was so sweet!
He LOVES his Veggie Tales also! Over the weekend we turned on a sound track to it that had the theme song and he was looking at the TV trying to figure out where it was coming from! We got an exersaucer for him over the weekend and he was standing in that when we put on the Veggie Tales tape and he stood up straight when the theme song came on and he started laughing and dancing around! During the week he watches PlayHouse Disney and they play lots of good shows for the toddler age kids. He loves the show "Mickey Mouse Club House" (I think thats what it is called anyways) And he loves for you to read books to him! We have already started a nice collection of books for him.
During the day I try and get some sort of exercise in and of corse involve him in it. He is at the point now where I have to entertain him alot of the time so we will turn on some dancing music and dance, and he loves it! He will laugh as we dance around the living room together. Or I will lay on the couch and lift him up over my head and he laughs as I keep lifting him up and down. Its so fun playing with him!
He LOVES eating! The Doc said he can pretty much eat anything we eat, except honey, just as long as we grind it up for him. Every morning he either eats grits or oatmeal. And for dinner he usually just eats whatever we have. And over the weekend I made pancakes so I just put the left overs in a zip lock bag and froze them so I could use them at a later date. So if he needs a snack or something I just warm one of those up for him and give him that.
Now he can get on his hands and knees at the same time! And it seems just over the weekend he started rocking himself on his hands and knees.
Well I need to get going but I figured I needed to get on here and do some up dating while I had the chance to.