It is Sunday night/Monday morning right now. About 1 AM. I must say that I have had a great weekend! I mean, nothing extra-ordinary happened but for some reason it was just great! It rained all weekend. And we couldn't use our car, because the people that were supposed to fix it this past week didn't even start on it. So we were at home all weekend. Maybe that was it. We got to spend the weekend together doing nothing. Well we watched like 4 movies together on Saturday and we watched a few on Sunday. We walked to the comissary together on Saturday and we walked to church together on Sunday. It was just nice to spend time together and just talk to each other!
Last Monday I started keeping track of my water intake and my daily exercise. I have been doing pretty good at drinking my water, and I have only missed one day with no exercise but thats because I had to babysit all day that day. I looked over my weight in diary this past week and I noticed that since January I have only lost 5 pounds. I have just been working hard at staying on track and it seems NOTHING is helping me out! And in December I lost 10 pounds and I wasn't really "watching" what I ate. So I don't understand it. I mean, because of me losing that weight in December it got me wanting to really work at losing more. And I just don't understand, its so frustrating! I mean I want to get pregnant sometime soon and I was hoping to be able to lose some weight before it happened and its just frustrating! I mean, my husband talked to me about how much I have lost and he said, "At least you lost 5 pounds and didn't gain 5 pounds." I guess that is true. I am just trying to change my habits and see if I can do anything that helps me out.
Anyways, I don't really have much else to say. I am trying to clean the house this week. (We'll see how long it stays that way!) ;P